Helpful Links
This site provides and informative and sensitive exploration of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), including information for survivors, family members, and caregivers.
Topics include types and symptoms of brain injury, TBI treatment and recovery, and helpful insights about the potential long term effects of brain injury.
Animation is used to assist survivors clearly understand the brain, and the results to different parts of the brain.
Survivors and their caregivers share courageous stories about their own experiences, providing down to earth facts along with inspiration and hope.
This site is developed by BC partners for mental health and addictions information. It provides resources and materials to assist with questions survivors, family members and caregivers may have. They utilize a variety of educational tools.
This site provides information on the Heart and Stroke Foundation along with providing information on heart and stroke health and research.
This site provides information and resources on the signs, symptoms, and expectations of a stroke.